
Weekly ChartBook, Week of June 28, 2021

By: Aaron Lang - Portfolio Analyst

Weekly ChartBook
Week of June 28, 2021

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Market Performance For The Week

Source: YCharts

Disclaimer: Past performance is no guarantee of future performance

The Good News

Revenue and earnings expectations continue to rise

The jobs report released on Friday showed the economy continues to make strong strides

To put the jobs recovery in perspective..


The Bad News

Supply chains across the globe continue to be pressured 

The State Of The Market

The market is humming along

With very little hiccups, so far

Unsurprisingly, equity inflows this year have been very, very strong


The gains in the market this year have been led by earnings growth, not multiple expansion

Speaking of growth, emerging markets are poised for strong economic growth going forward

More specifically, China

And we are starting to see some progress internationally..

Charts Of The Week

Story Of The Week

Robinhood is preparing to go public and receives the largest ever FINRA fine: Revealed: How Robinhood harmed millions of its customers – Axios


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