Our philosophy is to Invest With Purpose, putting each client’s specific needs above all else. Our approach focuses on generating Superior Risk-Adjusted Performance through custom client portfolios designed to protect wealth and capture opportunities.
Distinctive attributes of our philosophy include:
We continually monitor the global investment universe of asset classes, sub-asset class categories, and specific strategies to identify and select investment opportunities with the most attractive risk/reward characteristics.
We select investments based on our conviction that attractive expected risk/return characteristics can be achieved over a reasonable time period. We exit investments based on overvaluation, or when fundamentals no longer support our original investment thesis.
We invest both actively and passively in both in-house and externally managed strategies. In-house portfolios include individual stocks and bonds while external strategies include specialized institutional funds and passive low-cost ETFs. Selections are made objectively based on tax-efficiency and expected risk/return.
We reallocate portfolios based on market changes that create new opportunities to invest in strategies with more attractive expected risk/return. Portfolios are rebalanced periodically to maintain each client’s long-term strategic allocation.
We invest in high quality Investment Grade bonds primarily for Stability, Income and Downside Protection. We also invest in higher risk, higher return Credit Strategies for Income and Appreciation when valuations are compelling.
We invest in stocks for Capital Growth. Stocks provide the best opportunity to meaningfully beat inflation over long time periods. We utilize portfolios of individual companies, best-of-breed specialized institutional funds, and low-cost ETFs. Equity allocations are biased toward U.S. domiciled companies but include international and emerging markets companies when opportunities are compelling. Within our U.S. Large Cap portfolio of individual companies, our stock selection emphasizes quality and growth, focusing on companies with high and sustainable profitability, strong balance sheets and above-average dividend rate and revenue growth.
We invest in Alternative Strategies that provide true diversification and generate differentiated sources of return relative to traditional stocks and bonds. These strategies provide downside protection during periods of market stress and attractive returns during normal market conditions. Our portfolio of liquid and semi-liquid alternative strategies generates attractive returns at risk levels similar to fixed income.
For clients with longer-term investment horizons and larger risk appetites, we utilize private investments including private equity and private debt. These investments typically have more complicated partnership structures, are subject to more stringent eligibility requirements, and can be illiquid for 5-10 years. Despite these constraints, they offer the opportunity to earn much higher returns than investing solely through public markets.