
Weekly Chartbook

By: Aaron Lang - Portfolio Analyst

September 21, 2021

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Market Performance For The Prior Week

Source: YCharts
Disclaimer: Past performance is no guarantee of future performance

The Good News

People are continuing to spend 

And there’s some hope we’ll start seeing lower peaks in Covid cases

And there’s still a lot of money and spending out there

The Mixed News

Earnings will probably remain strong, but estimates can only keep rising for so long

The Bad News

Earnings revisions are already showing signs of peaking

And investor sentiment is dropping

The State Of The Market

It’s been a while since we’ve seen a 5% pullback

China fears, and most notably the impending default of Evergrande, are a big reason why

Here’s a good thread digging deeper on Evergrande

Be weary of the Lehman comparisons

And supply shortages are getting worse and worse

And options expiring are playing a role

Digital Bananas!

Charts Of The Week


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