
Weekly Chartbook

By: Aaron Lang - Portfolio Analyst

December 14, 2021

Posted By

Market Performance (Last Week)

Source: YCharts
Disclaimer: Past performance is no guarantee of future performance

The Good News

Household net worth has skyrocketed

Strong growth expected to continue next year

And initial jobless claims are now very, very low

The Mixed News

Inflation is high, but last Friday’s report was in line with expectations

And here’s what’s leading the inflation charge

And there’s good reason to believe rent is actually understated right now (thread)

The Bad News

Although increasing, wage growth is still shy of recent inflation numbers

But with the unexpected rise in job openings & record high profit margins, there’s still room for higher wage increases 

And PPI came in much higher this morning

The State Of The Market

Last week was very strong

But it’s been pretty concentrated 

And the weightings of the top 5 just keep going up

And it seems like their weightings are decoupling from their earnings contribution

So where could we be in the market cycle?

And so now all eyes turn to the Fed

Charts Of The Week


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